Dr. Chinky Goyal, Dr. Amrit Malik, Dr. Sudhir Malik and Dr. Rimpaljeet Kaur,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/HC/10/4/35160.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are currently the leading cause of death globally with a greater inclination in economically poor countries as over 80% of cardiovascular death takes place in low and middle income countries. Research in the area of safe and effective cardio-protective formulations is an expanding field with knowledge being updated constantly. In Ayurveda, there are a number of single herbs as well as formulations which exert their effect on heart in different manners.The present review is undertaken for screening 10 herbs from Hridya Mahakashaya of Charak Samhita to evaluate their probable modes of action through which cardio-protection is affected as per both Ayurveda and Bio-medical concepts.Review of herbs to show cardio-protective activity is compiled from various Ayurvedic texts as well as multiple articles on internet to justify their cardio-protective activity on the basis of data collected.All the ten herbs are found to exhibit cardio-protective effect directly or indirectly as per both Ayurveda and bio-medical science.
Garvita Choudhary Joshi and Meenakshi Bharkatiya ,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/HC/10/4/36173.
Allium sativum medicinal usage originates in ancient times and remains part of many cultures' conventional medicine. It was utilised for millennia for most health-related diseases as a traditional treatment. Based on existing trends, it is anticipated that the usage of garlic will continue. Innumerable culinary dishes and remedy have been inspired by their unique flavour and scent of garlic. It has a minimum of 33 compounds of sulphur, several enzymes, 17 amino acids and minerals such as selenium. Garlic regulates glycemia by enhanced sensitivity, tolerance to glucose, production of insulin, and increased use of glucose. Garlic oils are powerful cholesterol production inhibitors. This review discusses the diverse positive effect of garlic on the well-being of people. Although current study has investigated its therapeutic usefulness in the treatment of many diseases, nevertheless a great deal of investigations is needed to create a safe phytomedicine of garlic. The present Allium sativum review article examines old phytomedicine applications with modern science.
Dr. S.P. Abhiram, Dr. Chinky Goyal, Dr. Raghuveer H ,Dr. Oorvi Kulkarni, and Dr. Amrit Malik,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/HC/10/4/37480.
Rasa Shastra is an important branch of Ayurveda dealing with medicinal usage of metals and minerals employing extensive procedures like Shodhana, Marana etc. Main aim of Rasa Shastra is Dhaatuvaada and Deha vaada. Anandakanda is one among the Rasa Shastra books fulfilling its main aim containing all the details about Parada, Ashta samskaras, divyoushadhis, rasa bandha, rasa marana, navaratna, rasoparasadi dhatu, visha, Shodhana, Marana, and many other medicinal preparations. Deha Vaada and Dhaatu Vaada had been extensively described in this text book serving as an important reference text for students and scholars of Rasa Shastra.
Pooja Ranjan and Parveen Dabur,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/HC/10/4/38190.
Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a life-threatening global health scenario. The WHO (World Health Organization) has announced this disease as global pandemic. The severity of this disease causes highest death rates from December 2019 - June 2021 worldwide. There is an urgent need to develop medicines and vaccine to prevent the immune system of human body. Medicinal plants and plant based drugs play a major role in preventing by provoking the immune system. This study discusses about the major global issue pandemic corona virus disease (Covid-19) and the traditional medicines as preventive and curative agent in treating this global health issue. In this study, we discussed the role of different traditional medicinal plants and their bioactive components that help in boosting our immune system and also play key role in warfare of microbial infections including COVID-19. This article also discuss about the herbal treatment used in India.
: Ayurveda the traditional science of India is considered as the oldest health system having strong fundamental principles and theory based practices. BhaishajyaKalpana, an important branch of Ayurveda deals with Kalpana ie; preparation of various herbal and herbomineral formulations. Lavan kalpana is one among them, are the formulations having lavan as its main ingredient. NarikelLavan is the most popular lavan kalpana which mainly recommended for digestive disorders especially Parinam Shula (Peptic ulcer).Studies proved that electrolytes present in Narikel lavan is responsible for its antacid property.Both Sajal and Nirjal Lavanwere prepared in our departmental pharmacy as per classical references.
Dr. N.Vishnuthari, and K.Balachandar ,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/HC/10/4/39803.
Acalypha indica is a medicinal plant reported to be used for the treatment of skin diseases. Venereal infections, elephantiasis, topical burns and rheumatism. The plant possesses high medicinal potential. The ethanol extract of leaves of Acalypha indicawas done and cytotoxic activity of the extracts was assessed against cancerous cell line of A549 cells the ethanol extract showed cytotoxic activity againstcomparable to standard cells.
Mukesh Kumar Chaubey and Namita Kumar,DOI: 10.24214/IJGHC/HC/10/4/40417.
Uncontrolled and indiscriminate uses of synthetic insecticides in pest management programme cause ozone depletion, neurotoxicity, carcinogenicity, teratogenicity and mutagenesis in non-target animals, and resistance in target animals. These outcomes have diverted attention of researches towards the use of plant volatiles in pest management strategies. In this study, laboratory trial was carried out to evaluate insecticidal properties of tailed pepper, Piper cubeba and ginger, Zingiber officinale essential oils against maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Essential oils were isolated and evaluated for repellent, toxic, oviposition inhibitory, developmental inhibitory and feeding inhibitory activities against S. zeamais. In toxicity assay by fumigation method, median lethal concentrations (LC50) of P. cubeba and Z. officinale oils were 0.396 and 0.317 μlcm-3; and 0.437 and 0.364 μlcm-3 air respectively when S. zeamais adults were exposed for 24 and 48h. In contact toxicity assay, lethal concentrations (LC50)of P. cubeba and Z. officinale oils were 0.289 and 0.231 μlcm-2; and 0.299 and 0.246 μlcm-2 area respectively when S. zeamais adults were exposed for 24 and 48h. AChE activity was reduced when adults were fumigated with sub-lethal concentrations of both oils. Both P. cubeba and Z. officinale oils significantly reduced oviposition, progeny production and feeding, and increased developmental period in S. zeamais. These two oils showed less persistence of insecticidal property indicating its rapid mode of action. This study confirms that P. cubeba and Z. officinale oils can be used as an alternative of synthetic insecticides and in preparation of essential oil based formulations.
The objective of this study is to optimize the extraction conditions of total flavonoids and antioxidants from the leaves of Alchornea cordifolia. To do this, a preliminary study was carried out by varying one of the independent variables (plant size, best solvent, extraction mode, ratio or extraction time) while maintaining the other constants to determine the lower and upper levels of these variables. After that, the optimization of the extraction conditions of total flavonoids and antioxidants were carried out using a composite central design. The results obtained following the various analyses indicate that to have an extract of A. cordifolia leaves that contain the maximum of total flavonoids with better antioxidant activity, it would be necessary that the extraction is done by decoction for 55 min with 4 g of crushed leaves dissolved in 100 mL of a water/ethanol mixture (70/30, v/v). Under these conditions, the amount of total flavonoids and antioxidant activity obtained are respectively 63.67 mg.g-1 QE and 205.72 μmol.L-1 TE, respectively. This study enriches the database on the species A. cordifolia, a plant of the Ivorian flora, because it provides new information that allows a better extraction of flavonoids which are an excellent source of antioxidants.